After two stretch breaks and one near-collision with a motorbike, Sifan Hassan somehow managed to win the 2023 London Marathon on Sunday.

Competing in her marathon debut — against one of the deepest women’s fields in history — Hassan outsprinted Alemu Megertu of Ethiopia and Peres Jepchirchir of Kenya to cross the tape first.

“I just can’t believe I (won),” said Hassan, who then revised that statement. “Not win, I just can’t believe I finished (a) marathon.”

Hassan stopped twice during Sunday’s marathon to stretch her left hip and, with 11 miles left to go, was 28 seconds behind the lead pack. After catching back up, Hassan was then nearly taken out by a motorbike when she darted to the hydration station two miles left.

“This morning I was telling myself, I’m so stupid (to run a marathon). Why am I playing this kind of game? What the hell am I thinking that I want to run a marathon,” said Hassan, whose career was previously focused on the track. The Dutchwoman had an unprecedented showing at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, winning gold in the 5000m and 10,000m, and bronze in the 1500m.